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Brizzle Rant #2

So you don't have time to go to the gym, or you claim to not have time to track your food intake because you're too busy...?

As with all of things in life, it comes down to priorities. I accept very few excuses of not having time... In my experience there are very few people who are genuinely too busy in their life that they can't dedicate a portion of their time to ensuring health is at the forefront of it.

We all know these people, hey we have all been these people. People that have really good intentions, but can never quite commit enough to the process in order to reach what they think they want. But that's the badger, they don't REALLY want it. Or certainly don't really want it ENOUGH. These people are lazy, not committed, or just plain not bothered. Which is actually fine. However, if they claim to want to be healthier, or want to overcome issues with their health and body, inevitably sacrifices will need to be made. No issues with your health or body? Awesome, crack on and do what you're doing.

But life isn't as simple to being able to have your cake and eat it. Literally. If you want to be healthy and lean, then sacrifices in your diet will more than likely need to be made. The level of this depends on your goals, but nonetheless there will inevitably still need to be some changes. Whether this is in the form of changing your breakfast to something to support your goals, drinking more water, eating more fruit and veg, skipping last night's hollyoaks and getting a bit more active, or just dropping the amount of cake you eat, Something has to change if you wish to change.

The excuse of not having enough time is rubbish. I will be able to counter almost any excuse you throw my way. Because they're excuses, not reasons. Get up 5 minutes earlier to make sure you get a decent breakfast in, instead of the cocopops. Stop playing Candy Crush for 5 minutes and plan your food for tomorrow. Stop watching lame TV and go for a walk. Take your gym gear to work and commit to go straight after you leave off instead of going home.

Essentially, if it is a priority, you will find a way. And you will see results. Otherwise, the only thing you'll acheive is nothing but excuses and missed dreams.

If you want help with your diet, contact us to talk through the services we offer.



Adapt. Evolve. Become.

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